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Weekly Update: February 15, 2018
February 20, 2018Check out February 15th’s Kingfish Bay Construction Updates! This Gated Waterfront Community is sure shaping up!
- Accent tabby finish is complete on the Marlins CV-4, CV-3, and CV-10
- Painting of the interior for CV-3 Marlin is complete
- Shutters installed on CV-7 Tarpon and CV-9 Tarpon
- Gutters installed on CV-5 Tarpon
- Sheetrock is being installed on CV-10 Marlin and CV-9 Tarpon
- Insulation is complete for CV-1 Tarpon and C-3 Bonita
- New palm trees are being added to the landscape in front of cottages C-1 and C-2
- Grading for new roads in Phase 1 A
- Paved the parking lot at the Clubhouse
- Framing the walls of the Oceanfront Clubhouse