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Weekly Update: January 17, 2018
January 17, 2018Check out today’s Kingfish Bay Construction Updates!
Welcome to America’s Best Little Small Town, Calabash, North Carolina.
1. Windows are installed on C-6 Albacore
2. Electrical finish work on C-2 Albacore and C-11 Cobia
3. Underground power for CV-1 Tarpon and CV-5 Tarpon
4. Tile is being installed in CV-5 Tarpon
5. Deck and stairs are almost complete on CV-9 Tarpon
6. Siding is almost completely installed on CV-10 Marlin
7. Gas lines are going in for the Clubhouse and Bath House
8. First coat of paint is on the spa pavilion
9. More pool furniture has been added around the Clubhouse pool
10. The Kingfish Bay signs are up on the Clubhouse tower