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Weekly Update: May 10, 2018
May 10, 2018Check out May 10th’s Kingfish Bay Construction Updates!
The colorful Caribbean-style feel of Kingfish Bay.
- Front doors painted on B-14, B-13, B-12 (All Angelfish)
- Interior and exterior lighting installed in B-12 Angelfish
- Beginning to tile B-12 bathrooms
- Installing fence around CV-1 Tarpon
- Installed flooring in CV-3 Marlin
- Installed pavers around the pool on C-11 Cobia
- Installed railroad ties behind the landscaping berm by C-11 Cobia
- Cabinets installed in C-6 Albacore
- Painted shutters and front door of C-6 Albacore
- Painting the exterior of C-4 Albacore II
- Set trusses on B-1 and continuing framing/sheathing
- Framing the Nature Pavilion